World in VIVERSE experience
- Moving around in a World in VIVERSE
- Interacting with objects inside a World in VIVERSE
- Chatting with people inside a World in VIVERSE
- Taking a photo inside a World in VIVERSE
- Creating avatar animations in your World in VIVERSE
- Inviting people to your World in VIVERSE
- Changing graphics settings
- Changing audio settings
- Changing the viewing perspective
- Muting yourself or others inside a World in VIVERSE
- Removing a person from your World in VIVERSE
- Why can’t I see the EDIT MODE button?
- Why am I hearing an echo inside the World in VIVERSE?
- Why can’t I hear people speaking? Why can’t people hear me?
- Why does it take a long time to load a World in VIVERSE?
- Why can't I enter a World in VIVERSE?
- Why can't people enter my World in VIVERSE?
- How do I stop my World from crashing in iOS?